My Grandmother was a Quaker
This was a confessional performance done in a small corner of the studio in front of my classmates in Fall 2019. The content of the performance was quite personal. The performance began with manipulation of objects; then the reading of medical records; then a reading of poetry, then the telling of a story, then the attempt at a group reading from a bulletin. At the end, I held a dance party to Katy Perry’s “Hot and Cold” with my classmates. There was also an informal collage of notes and black and white laser photographs on a movable wall. This was the beginning of a self-investigational thesis that lasted until the end of the academic year.
Related works: All My Green (seen in background here), Dead Cat, Video Experiments, Stepstool Manifesto, #lydiagyurina
"bulletin" handed out and meant to be read in unison
Looping video "Too Much Time on My Hands" with "All my Green" in background.
Moving objects.
Reading records.
Video off, spotlight comes on.
Collage of notes & laser printed phographs on movable wall
“to satisfy your curiosity:
I warned you, screaming, of a flood
which i emptied out of my washing machinemuch happened
no more dead cat”